Based in NYC Cinematheque is the leading video production agency which works with brands & startups from around the world to produce high-quality videos to get their message across. Through a straightforward and simplified workflow, Cinematheque streamlines the complexity of video production and delivers Hollywood quality videos at Bollywood prices. We bring together businesses, their ideas and visions to tell their stories in attentinon grabbing videos.
In Cinematheque’s curated catalog, we source out high quality stock videos and royalty-free music to make our clients visualizations come forward. We are also able to use their own visual or auditory content by our production team throughout the editing process. Our team of in-house scriptwriters and editors work hand in hand to provide stellar and on time deliverables to our clients. We will allow you to manage your project remotely using our straightforward end-to-end workflow, which will save you time and effort. Undoubtedly, our high quality advertisements will give your viewers the best experience.
Cinematheque is a boutique video production agency in NYC providing video marketing services to variety of organizations, agencies, nonprofits, brands and startups across multiple sectors. We help our clients deliver a powerful marketing message to their potential customers by producing attention grabbing videos that can be used on any platform. From our onboarding process to final delivery of your end product we aim to deliver top not service that will make you want to come back for more.
Production Process
In the discovery phase, we collect relevant input from our clients to understand their business objectives for the creation of their video. We provide a quick survey to know their creative visualization for the commercial and by doing this, the Cinematheque editors will gain an insight on how to adhere to the client’s intent. After analyzing their project requirements, we will collaborate with them to create a captivating story and script that will deliver the desired message of their product or service.
Proceeding to post-production phase, we continue to converse and collaborate with our clients during our entire editing process. The post-production team not only cuts and stitches raw videos together, but also adds sound (music, voiceovers, and sound effects) and visual effects. As we share rough cuts of their video, we receive valuable feedback that allows us to fine tune their video to the expected outcome that fits their narrative. The revision process will therefore begin assuming there are some modifications that need to be made.
Deliverables are the completed projects created by the production team and delivered to the customer. In the final phase of the project, our clients will receive their high resolution 4K video in the delivery options that were provided to us during within project scope. Once they receive their video they are able to use it royalty free perpetually on any platform or medium.